Dashboard Lights - Meatloaf Tribute Band

Dashboard Lights performs a spectacular concert to the music of Meat Loaf.
The show captures the timeless appeal of the music of Meat Loaf and composer Jim Steinman, who together created one of the best-selling albums of all time with "Bat Out Of Hell" which has sold 43,000,000 copies worldwide. The performance is complete down to the detail with costumes, lighting, special effects and stage set. Stage setting includes cemetery pillars, bats, gargoyles, with era and Meat Loaf specific costumes.
Dashboard Lights has performed concerts at The Cleveland Metro Parks, Parma Rib-N-Rock, The Rock N’ Resort Music Festival, Berea’s National Rib Cook Off and many other shows & events including Fox 8 News in the Morning. The band recreates the Meat Loaf Concert Experience and is a great band to see for all you Bat Out of Hell Fans!
We have multiple packages available from a one hour performance with minimal lighting/effects to a full evening of entertainment including opening set of popular rock (performed by members of Dashboard Lights) with our full compliment of lighting/effects and sound production - a one-stop shop.
To learn more about the Dashboard Lights Band, contact Conn Entertainment at 216.849.3545.
Tags: live band, cleveland bands, Dashboard Lights, Tribute band, Meatloaf.